主页 > 新闻资讯>防护口罩产品认证相关国内外标准汇编




国别 标准号 中文题名 英文题名
中国 GB  2626-2006 呼吸防护用品 自吸过滤式防颗粒物呼吸器 Respiratory  protective equipment. Non-powered air-purifying particle respirator
GB  2626-2019 呼吸防护 自吸过滤式防颗粒物呼吸器  
GB/T  18664-2002 呼吸防护用品的选择、使用与维护 Selection,use  and maintenance of respiratory protective equipment
GB  19083-2010 医用防护口罩技术要求 Technical  requirements for protective face mask for medical use
GB/T  23465-2009 呼吸防护用品 实用性能评价  
GB/T  32610-2016 日常防护型口罩技术规范 Technical  specification of daily protective mask
YY  0469-2011 医用外科口罩 Surgical  mask
YY/T  0691-2008 传染性病原体防护装备 医用面罩抗合成血穿透性试验方法(固定体积、水平注射) Clothing  for protection against infectious agents. Medical face masks. Test method for  resistance against penetration by synthetic blood (fixed volume, horizontally  projected)
YY/T  0866-2011 医用防护口罩总泄漏率测试方法 Total  inward leakage determination method of protective face mask for medical use
YY/T  0969-2013 一次性使用医用口罩 Single-use  medical face mask
YY/T  1497-2016 医用防护口罩材料病毒过滤效率评价测试方法 Phi-X174噬菌体测试方法 Evaluation  test method for the viral filtration efficiency (VFE)of medical protective  face mask materials. Test method using Phi-X174 bacteriophage
DB  50/ 107-2003 医用纱布口罩  
DB  62/T 518-1998 一次性使用无纺布系列医疗卫生用品  
DB  65/T 2028-2003 医用脱脂纱布口罩 Medical  purified ganuze mask
CNS  14258-1998 呼吸防護具之選擇、使用及維護方法 Guidance  for seclection use and maintenance of respiratory protective devices
CNS  14755-2003 拋弃式防尘口罩 Disposable  dust respirators
CNS  14756-2003 附加活性碳拋弃式防尘口罩 Disposable  dust respirators with activated - carbon
CNS  14774-2018 醫用面(口)罩 Medical  face masks
CNS  14775-2003 醫用面罩材料細菌過濾效率試驗法─使用金黃色葡萄球菌生物氣霧 Method  of test for evaluating the bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE) of  medical face mask materials, using a  biological aerosol of staphylococcus aureus
CNS  14776-2003 醫用面罩對合成血液穿透阻力的試驗法─以已知速度定量的水平噴灑 Method  of test for resistance of medical face masks to penetration by synthetic  blood (horizontal projection of fixed volume at a known velocity)
CNS  14777-2003 醫用面罩空氣交換壓力之試驗法 Method  of test for air exchange pressure of medical face mask
CNS  16076-2018 呼吸防護裝置-全面罩-要求、試驗、標示 Respiratory  protective devices. Full face masks. Requirements, testing, marking
国际 ISO  22609-2004 传染试剂防护服.医疗面罩.防人造血渗透的试验方法(固定容积,水平注射) Clothing  for protection against infectious agents - Medical face masks - Test method  for resistance against penetration by synthetic blood (fixed volume, horizontally  projected)
欧洲 EN  136-1998+AC-2003 呼吸保护装置 全面罩 要求、测试和标记 Respiratory  protective devices. Full face masks. Requirements,testing,marking
EN  140-1998+AC-1999 呼吸保护装置 半面罩和1/4面罩式 要求、测试和标记 Respiratory  protective devices. Half masks and quarter masks.  Requirements,testing,marking
EN  143-2000 呼吸保护装置 - 粒子滤波 - 要求、测试、标识 Respiratory  protective devices. Particle filters. Requirements,testing,marking Including  corrigenda July 2002 and March 2005;Including Amendment A1:June 2006
EN  149-2001 呼吸防护装置.颗粒防护用过滤半面罩.要求、检验和标记 Respiratory  protective devices - Filtering half masks to protect against particles -  Requirements testing marking
EN  149-2001+A1-2009 呼吸保护装置 颗粒防护用过滤半遮罩  要求、测试和标记 Respiratory  protective devices. Filtering half masks to protect against particles.  Requirements,testing,marking
EN  529-2005 呼吸保护器  选择、使用、维护和保养建议  指导性文件 Respiratory  protective devices. Recommendations for selection,use,care and maintenance.  Guidance document Supersedes CR 529:1993
EN  12942-1998+A2-2008 呼吸保护装置 全面罩、半面罩或1/4面罩式动力过滤装置 要求、测试和标记 Respiratory  protective devices. Power assisted filtering devices incorporating full face  masks,half masks or quarter masks. Requirements,testing,marking
EN  14387-2004+A1-2008 呼吸保护装置 气体过滤器和组合过滤器  要求、测试和标记 Respiratory  protective devices. Gas filter(s) and combined filter(s).  Requirements,testing,marking
EN  14683-2019+AC-2019 医用口罩 要求和试验方法 Medical  face masks - Requirements and test methods
美国 ASTM  F1862/F1862M-2017 医用口罩抗人工合成血渗透的标准试验方法(已知速度下固定体积的水平投影) Standard  Test Method for Resistance of Medical Face Masks to Penetration by Synthetic  Blood (Horizontal Projection of Fixed Volume at a Known Velocity)
ASTM  F2100-2019 医用口罩材料性能标准规范 Standard  Specification for Performance of Materials Used in Medical Face Masks
ASTM  F2101-2019 用金黄色葡萄球菌生物气溶胶评价医用口罩材料的细菌过滤效率(BFE)的标准试验方法 Standard  Test Method for Evaluating the Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE) of  Medical Face Mask Materials, Using a Biological Aerosol of Staphylococcus  aureus
ASTM  F2299/F2299M-2003(2017) 用乳胶球测定医用口罩材料被微粒渗透的初始效率的标准试验方法 Standard  Test Method for Determining the Initial Efficiency of Materials Used in  Medical Face Masks to Penetration by Particulates Using Latex Spheres
CFR  42-84-1995解释指南 NIOSH颗粒物防护口罩的选择和使用指南 NIOSH  Guide to the Selection and Use of Particulate Respirators
英国 BS  EN 136-1998 呼吸保护装置.全面罩.要求、试验、标记 Respiratory  protective devices. Full face masks. Requirements,testing,marking
BS  EN 140-1999 呼吸保护装置 半口罩和四分之一口罩  要求、试验、标记 Respiratory  protective devices. Half masks and quarter masks.  Requirements,testing,marking
BS  EN 143-2000 呼吸防护装置 微粒过滤器 要求、测试、标记 Respiratory  protective devices. Particle filters. Requirements,testing,marking
BS  EN 149-2001+A1-2009 呼吸保护装置 可防微粒的过滤式半面罩  要求、试验、标记 Respiratory  protective devices. Filtering half masks to protect against particles.  Requirements, testing, marking
BS  EN 529-2005 呼吸保护装置 选择、使用、保养和维护的建议  指导文档 Respiratory  protective devices. Recommendations for selection,use,care and maintenance.  Guidance document
BS  EN 14387-2004+A1-2008 呼吸防护装置 气体过滤器和组合过滤器  要求、试验、标志 Respiratory  protective devices. Gas filter(s) and combined filter(s). Requirements,  testing, marking
BS  EN 14683-2019 医用口罩 要求和试验方法 Medical  face masks. Requirements and test methods
德国 DIN  EN 136-1998 呼吸保护器.全面罩.要求、检验、标志 Respiratory  protective devices. Fullface masks. Requirements, testing, marking; German  version EN136:1997
DIN  EN 140-1998 呼吸保护器.半面和四分之一面罩.要求、检验、标记 Respiratory  protective devices. Half masks and quarter-masks. Requirements, testing,  marking; German version EN140:1998
DIN  EN 149-2009 呼吸保护装置 过滤半面罩以防止颗粒物  要求,测试,标记; Respiratory  protective devices. Filtering half masks to protect against particles.  Requirements, testing, marking; German version EN149:2001+A1:2009
DIN  EN 529-2006 呼吸保护器  选择、使用、维护和保养建议  指导性文件 Respiratory  protective devices. Recommendations for selection, use, care and maintenance.  Guidance document; German version EN529:2005
DIN  EN 14683-2019 医用口罩 要求和试验方法 Medical  face masks - Requirements and test methods; German version EN  14683:2019+AC:2019
法国 NF  S76-014-2009 呼吸保护装置.颗粒防护用过滤式半面罩.要求、试验、标记 Respiratory  protective devices - Filtering half masks to protect against particles -  Requirements, testing, marking
NF  S76-034-1998 呼吸保护装置与防护罩或防护面具结合的带动力粒子过滤装置.要求,试验, 标志 Respiratory  protective devices. Powered filtering devices incorporating a helmet or a  hood. Requirements, testing, marking.
NF  S97-166-2014 医用口罩 要求和试验方法 Medical  face masks - Requirements and test methods
NF  EN 140-1998 呼吸保护装置.1/2 和1/4 防毒面具.要求,试验和标志 Respiratory  protective   devices  -  Half   masks  and  quarter   masks  -  Requirements,  testing,   marking
NF  EN 12941-1998 呼吸保护装置与防护罩或防护面具结合的带动力粒子过滤装置.要求,试验, 标志 Respiratory  protective   devices.  Powered  filtering   devices  incorporating  a   helmet  or  a   hood.  Requirements,  testing,   marking.
澳大利亚 AS/NZS  1715-2009 呼吸保护设备的选择 使用和维护 Selection,  Use And Maintenance Of Respiratory Protective Equipment
AS/NZS  1716-2012 呼吸防护设备 Respiratory  protective devices
日本 JIS  T8062-2010 预防传染性病原体的防护服.面罩.防止人造血浆渗透的试验方法(确定容量,水平注射) Clothing  for protection against infectious agents -- Face masks -- Test method for  resistance against penetration by synthetic blood (fixed volume, horizontally  projected)
JIS  T8150-2006 呼吸防护器具的选择、使用及保管办法 Guidance  for selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective devices
JIS  T8159-2006 呼吸防护面具漏泄率试验方法 Leakage  rate testing method for respiratory protective devices
韩国 KS  M 6673-2008 防尘口罩 Dust  respirators
KS  K ISO 22609-2018 抗传染病防护服 医用口罩 合成血液抗渗透的试验方法(确定容量,水平注射) Clothing  for protection against infectious agents — Medical face masks — Test method  for resistance against penetration by synthetic blood(fixed volume,  horizontally projected)
越南 TCVN  8389-1-2010 医用口罩. 第1部分: 普通医用口罩 Medical  face mask. Part 1: Normal medical face mask.
TCVN  8389-2-2010 医疗口罩. 第2部分: 防细菌医用口罩 Medical  face mask. Part 2: Medical face mask preventing bacteria.
TCVN  8389-3-2010 医用口罩. 第3部分: 防有毒化学物质医用口罩 Medical  face mask. Part 3: Medical face mask preventing of toxic chemicals
其他国家 DS/ISO  22609-2005 防病毒衣物. 医用口罩. 合成血液渗透性测试方法(确定容量,水平注射) Clothing  for protection against infectious agents - Medical face masks - Test method  for resistance against penetration by synthetic blood (fixed volume, horizontally  projected)
GOST  12.4.166-2018 职业安全标准体系 呼吸保护装置  面具 一般规范 Occupational  Safety Standards System. Respiratory Protective Devices. Facepiece. General  Specifications
GOST  12.4.285-2015 职业安全标准体系 呼吸保护装置  防微粒过滤半面罩 一般规范 Occupational  safety standards system. Respiratory protective devices. Filter self-rescuer.  General technical requirements. Test methods
GOST  12.4.294-2015 职业安全标准体系 呼吸保护装置  面罩 一般规范 Occupational  safety standards system. Respiratory protective devices. Filtering half masks  to protect against particles. General specifications
GOST  R 58396-2019 医疗口罩 要求和测试方法 Medical  Face Masks. Requirements And Test Methods
AS/NZS  1715-2009 呼吸保护设备的选择 使用和维护 Selection,  Use And Maintenance Of Respiratory Protective Equipment
AS/NZS  1716-2012 呼吸防护设备 Respiratory  protective devices
SANS  1866-1-2018 医疗设备 第1部分 医用口罩 Medical  devices Part 1: Medical face masks
SANS  50136-1998 呼吸保护装置. 全面罩. 要求、测试、标记 Respiratory  Protective Devices. Full Face Masks. Requirements, Testing, Marking
SANS  50140-1998 呼吸保护装置. 半面罩和四分之一面罩. 要求、测试、标记 Respiratory  Protective Devices. Half Masks And Quarter Masks. Requirements, Testing,  Marking
SS  548-2009 选择、使用和维修呼吸保护装置 Code  of practice for selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective  devices
ABNT  NBR 13694-1996 呼吸保护装置 半面罩和四分之一面罩  规范 Respiratory  protective devices. Half masks and quarter masks. Specification
ABNT  NBR 13695-1996 呼吸保护装置 全面罩 规范 Respiratory  protective devices. Full face masks. Specification
ABNT  NBR 13698-2011 呼吸保护装置 颗粒过滤半面罩 Respiratory  protective devices. Filtering half mask to protect against particles
IS  14166-1994 呼吸防护装置:全面罩 Respiratory  protective devices : Full face masks
IS  14746-1999 呼吸防护装置-半面罩和四分之一面罩 Respiratory  Protective Devices - Half Masks And Quarter Masks
IS  9473-2002 呼吸防护装置-防止颗粒的过滤半面罩 Respiratory  Protective Devices - Filtering Half Masks to Protect Against Particles
UNI  EN 14683-2019 医用口罩 要求和试验方法 Medical  face masks - Requirements and test methods
IS  9623-2008 呼吸防护装置的选择、使用和维护-规程 Selection,  use and maintenance of respiratory protective devices - Code of practice
UNE  EN 14683-2014 医用口罩 要求和试验方法 Medical  Face Masks - Requirements And Test Methods


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